How To Give To Charities Without Explicitly Giving Money

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  • 04/27/2024 1:26 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    Hard to believe summer break will be here, for some, in less than a month! Its a good time to reflect on the school year.  Who was the most helpful and enjoyable as a teacher and why?  What do you wish could have been different in what and how you learned in a particular subject?  Whether there is good or some not so good news here, either way, its vitally important to think about whether you are getting prepared well enough for your future, with particular emphasis on the professional aspects of it.   Its certainly something to discuss with your parents, guidance counselors, teachers and other adults that you really respect.  In addition to this, a step that should be done simultaneously is to create an initial version of a sound life plan, one that helps you to identify what you care about most in life and based on that, what your life could look like to support those values.  Then, you'd learn how to map your hopes and dreams to tactical, palatable action items that get you there.  For the cost of 2 Starbucks coffees, you can quickly begin this wonderful process.  This tells you more about it: The Essential Life Plan & Life Skills Program

    #Smart #Strong #Happy #Successful #Enjoyable #Life #School #Break #Summer #Activities #Activity #Fulfilling #Plan #Life

  • 01/30/2024 1:19 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    Of course, I don't know the insanely popular singer songwriter.  But I can begin to guess why Taylor Swift is so well liked, and has been since she was a very young woman.

    Aside from the obvious, like she is wholesome and comes across as a very decent and caring human being who writes catchy, cute songs, I can almost guarantee she has done some really smart work relating to identifying her core values, and mapping them to a  life plan/life skill development and execution which she is constantly tweaking and evolving. And your soul just knows she's onto something really good and its a blast to just observe it!

    Its actually really fun and once you take the plunge and get started with getting yourself on the right track for YOU.  Something deep inside seems to know nearly instantly that its the right way to make your life a happy and healthy one.  So, you typically start to feel excited and hopeful right away....Try it for yourself!: The Essential Life Plan Life Skills Program

  • 12/06/2022 10:28 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    Do you think its possible to give a gift this holiday season which could have an incredibly positive life changing impact on a loved one, perhaps a son, daughter, niece, nephew or grandchild?

    I am happy to tell you it absolutely is!  Take a look at this: The Essential Life Plan & Life Skills Training Set

  • 08/30/2022 11:16 AM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    What's even more  important  than getting your children new clothes, shoes, hardware/software (technology), and general supplies (paper, pens/pencils, paper, glue, etc) to prepare them for school?  It's sitting them down to put a stake in the sand for what are their emerging core values and beliefs!

    Once you have a baseline, this exercise is still done (at least once a year, ideally just before school begins).  In this case, instead of creating core values, the current version is challenged and updated so that it evolves on a continuum. You can begin this work for a given child as early as 5 years of age.  Generally by 7, the benefits really start to kick in (given the growth of cognitive function that is typically seen by that time).

    Why is it important to do this?  Having genuine motivation and drive for pursuing specific goals springs out of their relationship to our core values and beliefs. Additionally, the amount of satisfaction felt when those goals are met, is much greater than it would be otherwise be.   And that satisfaction fuels continued motivation for getting important things done going forward. 

    There are children that fall into this seemingly coincidentally. Many kids don't.  So, its important to put some structure around it to get it done. Note that people of ANY age benefit from this exercise: Identify Core Values

    The identifying core values activity independently has tremendous value.  If this is the only extra thing you have your child do, you are WAY ahead! If you'd like to see how this is a first step in a larger system of three steps and what benefits can be derived from doing all three, here you go: The Essential Life Plan/Life Skills Program

    Have fun with it.  Your results will be remarkable!


  • 05/27/2022 12:46 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    People sometimes say they are living vicariously through their children.   If parents push a child to do something only the parents are interested in, it could be a red flag. 

    There are those skills to learn that are good for the child even if the child isn't interested.  Perhaps its swimming or learning to iron one's clothes.   But if its something like a sport or skill that the child is not interested in, which the child doesn't need to learn, for example baseball or football or ballet or piano, parents should think twice about making the child pursue it.

     Another related parental behavior is making the child always be busy with or more seasonal sports or some kind of lessons.  It's possible to cause the child to be overwhelmed and just go through the motions of doing one or more of these things with little or no passion for it.

    It's important for children to have regular down time so that they can have a chance to be kids and play, and potentially discover real passions.  Passions drive motivation and bring joy to individuals.  Its a very important aspect of life.  It might make sense to not book up children's lives so much that they have no time to look for and try out possible passions!

  • 02/25/2022 2:23 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    There is so much pressure on us to define and start using New Year Resolutions at the official beginning of a new year.  

    There is absolutely no need for this.  Resolutions to make good adjustments to the way we live our lives can be created and begun to be used any time of year.   Two huge advantages of this are:

    (1) You can define and start new resolutions any month and day of the year and you can do it repeatedly.

    (2) You don't have to wait for the end of the year for something you know you really want to start doing sooner. 

    Certain times of year might be your preference for starting something new.  For me, its the end of February, beginning of March, that I feel the desire to start anew.  I think it relates to spring being on its way in nature and this gently coaxes me to do the same in my life.  For others, it can be the beginning of September and the start of a new school year. Literally, any time of year works for starting to make good adjustments or changes in your life. 

    Our Essential Life Plan/Life Skills program  relies on this very important concept!

  • 12/22/2021 8:59 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    More and more folks want to reduce their footprint.  Giving perishable gifts rather than tchotchke or other types of dust collectors you put on a shelf is one good idea.  So are candles that you know a particular household would use.  

    But, if you know of an individual who could really benefit from some good life guidance, give them this as a gift.  

    It does not matter if the person is in their teens, twenties, thirties or middle aged. Even seniors are often in need of help here. 

  • 06/27/2021 12:37 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    Did you realize that "The devil is in the details." of sound planning; and  once you nail that, "Execution is easy!"?  So, when it comes to genuine life planning, there is nothing more important. And, The Essential Life Plan/Life Skills program is perhaps the most comprehensive do it yourself solution available today!

    It's important to realize that many "Life Planning" products available on Etsy and elsewhere are basically blank forms/empty checklists!   These are about as helpful as completely blank pages.  

    For around the price of two name brand cups of coffee, you can have an incredible program that can EASILY cause your child to realize his/her potential and be very fulfilled.  Note:  this system works for people of all ages-  that includes you!

  • 03/24/2021 5:24 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    There are so many reasons why kids might appear sad or unmotivated.  Often, its not clear what to do.  There are things that you can do to help.  And, you might even be surprised how making certain changes which might even be fairly small, at least to start, can make all the difference in the world.  Take a look at this:

    There's 3 activities.  Each of  them are really important.  But when the sad or unmotivated child begins to work on identifying their core values (this is the first activity), it marks the beginning of a generally very positive change in them which you might even notice.  

  • 01/25/2021 1:26 PM | Kathleen Gorbach (Administrator)

    Did you know that SAD can be eased by a number of different activities including productive learning?  Here's more info on the condition: Winter SAD info

    A a great example of productive learning is The Essential Life Plan / Life Skills Program

    There are three main activities.  The first involves identifying your core values.  Most say its  fun to do and the time tends to fly by while you do it. 

    A little effort here can really help you to both feel better and help you to begin to plan a better, happier life!

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