What's even more important than getting your children new clothes, shoes, hardware/software (technology), and general supplies (paper, pens/pencils, paper, glue, etc) to prepare them for school? It's sitting them down to put a stake in the sand for what are their emerging core values and beliefs!
Once you have a baseline, this exercise is still done (at least once a year, ideally just before school begins). In this case, instead of creating core values, the current version is challenged and updated so that it evolves on a continuum. You can begin this work for a given child as early as 5 years of age. Generally by 7, the benefits really start to kick in (given the growth of cognitive function that is typically seen by that time).
Why is it important to do this? Having genuine motivation and drive for pursuing specific goals springs out of their relationship to our core values and beliefs. Additionally, the amount of satisfaction felt when those goals are met, is much greater than it would be otherwise be. And that satisfaction fuels continued motivation for getting important things done going forward.
There are children that fall into this seemingly coincidentally. Many kids don't. So, its important to put some structure around it to get it done. Note that people of ANY age benefit from this exercise: Identify Core Values
The identifying core values activity independently has tremendous value. If this is the only extra thing you have your child do, you are WAY ahead! If you'd like to see how this is a first step in a larger system of three steps and what benefits can be derived from doing all three, here you go: The Essential Life Plan/Life Skills Program
Have fun with it. Your results will be remarkable!